Prime Birds

Prime Birds is a one-man alt-rock project based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Drawing from a range of influences (including rock, metal, punk, folk, singer-songwriter, prog, choral, VGM and more), it's safe to say that anyone who listened to rock radio of the 90's and early 00's will find something to like in Prime Birds' catalogue. You can hear Prime Birds on the Indie Music Hunt, Tweetcore Radio Hour, The Melting Pat Podcast, In the Trenches with Trench Gun, Fresh Finds Podcast, and elsewhere around the DIY music web. Follow @prime_birds and say hi!

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Customer Reviews

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Captain Chemical
Fly back to the 90s with Prime Birds

A one-man act from Toronto, Prime Birds puts out a wide variety of music that will make fans of 90s alt-rock very happy. By turns fast and hard or soft and acoustic, a tour of the Prime Birds catalog is something of an adventure. On Spotify, the track "Until Everything Is Gone" is shown as the most listened to. It's a downtempo ballad, a sad song about the individual's inability to make meaningful changes in the world. Sounds like downer music for drinking alone, right? But then the #2 track is a screaming blast of punk energy punk delight called "Goalie Masks." It's all of 60 seconds long, and even comes with a video that shows a bunch of goalies from the 1980-81 NHL season. Something like Greenday, you might say. #3 in Spotify popularity is a track called "Four Storey," a peppy instrumental track that defies easy description but is most definitely a flavor of rock with emphasis on drums. The #4 track "Place To Be" returns to an acoustic guitar sound. This track shows the strength of Prime Birds' vocals, laid over a sweet, mostly minor key progression. Earnest coffee house material. But then listen to "What Was Said" which recalls the harder side of alternative, with sturdy bass, metal-ish guitar work, and soaring doubled vocals mixed with growling spoken monologues. This is perhaps something like Alice In Chains, with dark lyrics about "misdeeds that last forever." I could go on, but by now you should have an idea. No one can really describe Prime Birds' material adequately. It's the audio equivalent of a bag of mixed jelly beans - different colors, different flavors, but all good. If you liked 90s alternative music - and who didn't? - you'll enjoy Prime Birds. YouTube video placeholder

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