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Talking with Chris Boddington: Enjoying the Journey

15 Mar, 2024

Chris Boddington is a house/pop musician who makes tunes in multiple styles ranging from dance funk to piano ballads. His latest album, Love Ting, is a collection of love songs that hit streaming services on March 15. We talked about his album, his approach to music and his work with a talented up-and-coming singer / lyricist known simply as… Evie.

Uncle Funkbeard: Your undeniably funky single "Crazy" has been getting a good amount of attention this week on the Unheard Gems: Discovery playlist. 

Chris Boddington: Yeah, thanks very much for your support on this track, it was kind of a forgotten track although I’ve always quite liked it – if it’s ok to like your own music. 

It’s from my second album Dirty Bit which was released in 2020. I defo had a bit of a 60’s theme in mind at the time and wanted to create something that could work in the original Oceans 11 film – love that era and style. Maybe predictably, the track began with the bassline, which I wanted to be the key feature, and I always try to shoehorn brass into a track, I think it can add to and complete almost any track and genre. Underused in my opinion.

 UF: Your new album, Love Ting, is a mix of dance music and a couple piano ballads, which seems like an unusual combination. Have you done this kind of mix before? What’s the thinking behind it?

CB: The theme behind it isn’t genre, it is love songs, or my interpretation of love songs. There’s different versions of what I would class as love in there, such as a Mother’s Day tribute track (“Building Me Up”), a wedding song and of course the charity single for the lovely Rhea and her family.

UF: Tell me about that charity single, “Fly High: (In Loving Memory of Rhea).”

CB: Yes, this was a project for Evie, one of my best mate’s daughters, who really wanted to create something for her best friend who passed away suddenly from cardiac arrest at 18. She wanted to create something in her name and for the family to have as a keepsake. 

We took her poem and composed the track around it. It was a very emotional project for Evie and she did incredibly well. It was a little easier for me as I didn't know the family personally and so could be objective and try to deliver Evie’s passion and desire for the project. Horrible thing to work on, so to speak, but we’re very proud of what we can came up with. 

UF: Evie is also featured on “The Start of Tomorrow,” which is a beautiful wedding ballad, and “The Start of Tomorrow (Honeymoon Edit),” which transforms it into an ultracool dance song.

CB: It may seem that the honeymoon edit is a remix of the piano ballad but in actuality, the dance track came first. I started it around 12 years ago and was originally intended as a track between two vampire lovers akin to the Twilight films. 

When I was asked to write the wedding song for some special friends’ first dance, I came across this unfinished track I had and deconstructed it. I had the music and lyrics down but needed a vocalist as no one would want to hear me singing, not a great way to start a marriage. Evie performed it brilliantly and was very easy and professional to deal with.

UF: How long have you been making music? Do you have any formal music education?

CB: Pretty much all my life, no real formal music education other than a GCSE (UK school qualification) and some piano and organ lessons when I was a kid. I’ve only fairly recently shared any music publicly and am quite enjoying the journey though I understand a lot of the frustrations musicians encounter.

UF: What is your creative process like?

CB: Different each time, though most songs tend to start with me just on the piano and soon as I have something I like, I then fire up the DAW to see what direction I can take it in.

I try to make each album have a bit of a theme, not necessarily different genres but in the making I have albums of rap, sci fi, piano ballads, ‘80s synth and tranquil pop. 

UF: After Love Ting, what’s next? 

CB: I am starting to have done some remixes for some great artists on Twitter and now have an album of remixes being made by various artists for the first single off my next album 5ive which should be out in July. The track in question is “Invisible Man” and the remix album is due out on May 31st. Could include up to 20 artists and what I’ve had in so far is incredible. Been a real fun project to work on. I’ve also started working with a brilliant freestyle rapper called Stevie J and we have some great tracks in the oven.

UF: Right now, there’s a debate in the indie music community about Spotify’s policy changes and focusing efforts on other platforms like Tidal. Any thoughts?

CB: I’m torn on this subject. I’d never tell anyone they are wrong but whilst accepting the obscene payout structure they adopt, for me personally they have got my music in front of people I wouldn’t have reached in a million years 

UF: What are your long-term goals for your music?

CB: It’s a great question, I guess the honest answer is I’m a little confused at the moment. I put myself out there as an artist but that was never the dream. I'd love to write for other people and in particular for TV and film. Think I'm just releasing singles and albums now as a way to at least be productive and build up a little portfolio and following.

UF: Aside from being a talented musician, is there anything people should know about you as a person? 

CB: Well, I’m a 47-year-dad of 3 and proud granddad. I put my all into everything I do but don’t take myself or life too seriously.

Love making music, for me there’s no greater hobby.

Find all Chris Boddington’s projects at

Uncle Funkbeard
Leader of the house funk revolution

