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Rose Alaimo - Prog meets Alternative

03 Nov, 2023

Right from the get go, Rose Alaimo’s “A Place to go When You Need to Hide,” makes you pay attention. The first song, “Meet Me Where I Am,” fades in, almost making your ears squint. Then it gets into an almost prog meets alternative groove. Maybe the song is urging us to see eye to eye with Rose. Maybe the song is urging us to see eye to eye with each other. Whatever the case, the sound quality is superb and makes these songs easy to listen to.

“Stars” starts out like a lullaby. It’s comforting. We are ushered in a little depth with a slower tune. I love the harmonies and the changes here. It takes a lot of work to arrange singing like this and carry it out. Great job on the vocals.

While I’m going through the album it starts to dawn on me what this album is about. The beginning of the song “Powerlines” does feel crackling with energy. The Alternative Prog is back in spades here with wicked changes, superb vocals with harmonies, and almost a Neil Peart inspired kind of concept, lyrically. This album is about taking us places and experiencing the gamut of human emotions.

Enter, “I Guess I Feel Ok?” Everyone can relate to this song in one way or another. There’s a familiar pattern with Rose’s personal touch. Then we go through a bunch of hard rocking changes to wind up at the resolution. If I needed pumping up for a tough meeting, this is the jam.

“The Devil that You Know” starts off acoustic. Again we start quiet, not loud. It makes the ears perk up. It’s a great way to grab attention of discerning listeners. Experienced listeners know that messages are found in quiet voices. Almost picking up a western vibe. Not country, but western.

The next song has a very interlude type feel. “Can’t Find Me” is an emotional romp through orchestral elements and a few climaxes. The song builds. And builds. I love song building like this. Throw everything at it and keep what sticks.

Now I have whiplash. 90’s hard alternative here. “Resist the Force” is a head banging tune. But don’t forget Rose’s voice is in it. Great guitars and drums. Everything that goes into every song on the album is found here too.

I relate to the song, “Between Sleep.” I won’t give away the catch line. But I will say sometimes it’s a chore to stay awake. The acoustic returns here. Listen to the end!

“The Dark of Light” has rock god ballad vibes all over it. Rose sings with clarity and it’s a good thing too, because one transition in particular doesn’t work unless she’s spot on. And of course she is. These little moments like that vocal lead transition, make memories. Songs that make memories are special.

“Here I am” is a simple goodbye from the record. But don’t be sad, I’m sure we’ll see Rose again.

This album is superbly produced and mixed and all that fun stuff. I don’t go on about guitar sounds or reverb or the dreaded drum sounds because none of it is needed here. It’s all perfect. The mixing serves the songs and sounds radio. It was truly an honor to review this record. It must have been a hell of a lot of work.